GREAT Salespeople NEVER stop learning!

The GREAT Salespeople NEVER stop learning

The GREAT Salespeople NEVER stop learning!

GREAT Salespeople are readers, they listen to audio material, they go to conventions, they’re going to conferences.  They even look for bad books, bad audio and bad workshops to go to.  They don’t care!

Consider this:  Would a bad, outdated concept be useless to a great salesperson?  NO!  And here’s why.  Because they’re committed to GREATNESS!

The GREAT Salespeople NEVER stop learning!

Even a bad idea, a bad concept, something old and outdated  becomes fodder, it becomes fuel, it becomes something they can consume and use.

Now consider this:  Even when you read something, hear something or see something you disagree with, what are you disagreeing with?  See, when you disagree with something, the mind fills it in with something you agree with and in that moment, you’re learning, growing and stretching.

What kind of TV do you waste time on watching?  Can you turn that time into learn time?  How much time are you in the car?  What if you read an hour a day instead of watching mindless TV?  What if you read for an hour and practiced your craft for an hour every day?

The GREAT Salespeople NEVER stop learning!

Top CEOs in America will read over 60 books this year.  Top CEOs are also the top paid and most financially successful.  How many books did you read last year?  If you want to be GREAT at what you do, you have to read, study and practice.   You have to be committed to learning.

Because when you stop learning and growing, you stop being GREAT.  What happen when a plant stops growing?

CHALLENGE:  Right now create a real plan to learn something every day – have you read all of Grant’s books?  Might be a good place to start?  What are you listening to in the car?

The GREAT Salespeople NEVER stop learning so schedule it if you have to but set aside time every day to learn and grow.

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