How to reduce appointment cancellations and no-shows

How to reduce appointment cancellations and no-shows

FROM THE DESK OF GRANT CARDONE:  What’s one of the number-one things that salespeople across the board HATE about their job?

Cancellations and no-shows. 

You know, you get a prospect to agree to an appointment, and then they don’t show.  This happens because you haven’t yet learned to lock appointments down.

If you’re in sales and an appointment doesn’t show up, make sure you don’t make the customer wrong.

Ask yourself what you can do to ensure this doesn’t happen.

Start with you. Work on confirming appointments with Grant’s famous “lock close”:

After you make the appointment time and date, ask the prospect,

“Would there be any reason you would change your mind about this decision?”


“Would there be any reason you couldn’t make it in tonight (for appointments/deliveries)?”

This checks for unspoken objections, and ensures that a transaction has been truly agreed upon.

You’re not alone on this, even great sales people complain about the buyer who pulls a no-show.  Better to find the considerations now. This close, typically, is not risked by inexperienced salespeople as they “wish deals closed” rather than locking them down.

Protect against the no-shows!

I personally like, “Is there anything short of a nuclear meltdown why you wouldn’t show up at 4:00 tomorrow afternoon?”

This may seem extreme, but it often gets a laugh and it works.

Want even more sales tips?

All this information and more (including hundreds of specific closes you can use to tie down more appointments and sales) is found in Cardone University.

With over 1,500 lessons you can easily consume on demand, this is the world’s top sales and business training tool and I want to GIVE it to you FREE today.  This way you can start training today to reduce appointment cancellations and increase your income by making sure your set appointments show up and have a million dollar experience.