Get connected

Get connected

Great Salespeople value connections within the community

Get connected!  Your community should be your main source of commerce.  This is your neighborhood, your city, your industry.  The GREATS look at that community as their main aim of commerce and they value these connections.  This is where the revenue comes from.

You must value connections.  It’s all about people, people, people.  The GREATS are all about people, connections and relationships.  They understand that obscurity is a real problem to expansion.  Obscurity is the demon, you have to get attention, stay connected and be known.

Do you know how to make, develop, maintain and protect relationships?  The GREATS are unbelievable at this and something even Grant will admit, he is still working on today…

Grant is still working it.  30 years in business and he’s still working on it!

He’s working at BEING and GETTING great at building relationships in his community.

So, if Uncle G is still working on it, you need to get hopping and get connected!

Value connections, combined with all the other attributes of success and then insist that the relationship becomes a client.

Exercise:  Who can you connect within your community that could have a monumental impact on your business?  Make a list of 10 people, companies or businesses that if you had a solid relationship with could not just change your business but BLOW IT UP!

Challenge:  Connect with them this week and begin to build those relationships


“You’re GREATNESS, don’t fight it!”

Grant has often said, “Obscurity is your biggest problem.”  If people don’t know you, then they certainly can not do business with you.  Grant’s New York Times bestselling book “If You’re Not First You’re Last” is a virtual field manual for getting out of obscurity, building value connections and being first on the minds of your prospects and your clients.  The mp3, read by Grant personally, has Grant becoming your personal success coach wherever you go to help you get connected.

Get connected