Three Tips For Perfecting Your Sales Pitch

Perfecting Your Sales Pitch

Should have practiced…

Need help perfecting your sales pitch?  If you need to understand how to create a sales pitch that shows how confident you are in your product or service while at the same time, motivates your customers to buy then read on.  Grant Cardone, who is an international sales expert and New York Times best-selling author has just revealed via Wells Fargo Works For Small Business three strategic tips for perfecting your sales pitch.   These three tips for perfecting your sales pitch will give you a major boost to your confidence level and get you prepared for success in the deal.

1.  Understand your products or services before you sell them

In the first tip for perfecting your sales pitch Grant tells Wells Fargo,  “When selling products or services, people often think a great sales pitch will automatically land them a new customer. But in order to sell potential customers on the benefits and values of your products or services, you must first be sold.”

In this age of informations, basically most if not all customers have done online research and have a pretty good idea of what they want.  At this point, they are also probably well versed on prices as well.  The reason they come to you now is because they are not certain about you, your product or your service.  In order to earn their trust you need to help them get clear on the information about your offerings.

2.  Understand customer motivation for buying

The second tip for perfecting your sales pitch talks about making sure that you are consistent with how you present features, advantages and benefits.  However, the dynamic between you and each of your customers should be unique.  “To establish a relationship,” Grant says, “you have to read people, ask the right questions, and predict the outcome of the sales effort.”

Grant goes on to advise readers to not get lost in the pitch.  To not get all caught up in the “selling” of your product or service and miss connecting with the buyer.   You must show a real and genuine interest in the buyer plus demonstrate a commitment to serve, not just to sell them.  Know the product like you know your name, be able to explain specifically how it solves a problem, and then understand your client’s motives.  That is what produces satisfied customers.

3.  Practice your sales pitch

The third tip for perfecting your sales pitch seems like a no brainer.  It’s also probably the most skipped part.  One simply cannot practice, drill, and role-play their pitch enough. Grant tells us that, “Knowing a product or service inside and out is not enough to sell it. Doing so can make you seem robotic. Instead, practice and perform your sales pitch in different role-playing situations so you can accommodate a variety of customers and make improvements.”

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