The truth about sales training

The truth about sales training

The truth about sales training

The truth about sales training is that the art and science of selling, just like any other subject, is full of all sorts of false information.  Much of this false data has been perpetuated over and over, year after year.  Most of this false data will be found to be completely responsible for the poor impression many people have of sales, which is a true profession and very needed life skill.  Not just business, mind you, life.  “False data” is information that is not factual, but is accepted as truth and then passed along like wisdom.

So when looking for the truth about sales training, there are five main myths that Grant Cardone is going to bust in his strategy of the week for April 21, 2016.

Are these myths, TRUTH or FICTION?

  1. Experienced salespeople don’t need training.
  2. Sales training doesn’t provide much benefit.
  3. You can see a direct result of sales training.
  4. Good sales training is just a matter of “pumping up” people.
  5. You can’t do sales training yourself and save money in the process.


The truth of the matter is that no company should be worried about saving thousands on sales training.  They should be focused on making millions.  Selling is vital in today’s world. Before becoming a MASTER one must know the basics. There are techniques and strategies everyone should know to succeed in the marketplace.  To get massive growth, great sales training is a must.