Grant Cardone Net Worth 2020

Grant Cardone Net Worth 2020

I can’t spend it, I just want to produce.

So Jarrod Glandt sits down and picks Grant Cardone’s brain for an hour.  What did I get out of it?  And what will you get out of it.  When I first started following Grant and listening to his workshops in the car everywhere I went, I had this feeling so many times that he was basically talking to me or like maybe he’s been secretly following me around or something.  Which obviously is not what was going on so what did that feeling mean?  It meant I wasn’t alone.  It meant that I’m not the only one out here looking for a better way.  So when you listen to this interview, before you go into it, ask yourself, what do you need from this.  Be open to hearing what Grant and Jarrod have to say to you.  Here’s what I got.  It was a whole lot.  Let’s go…

What’s the deal with haters?

People start hating on people when they are doing the things they know they can and should be doing yet for their own reasons won’t allow themselves to operate at that level.  For some I think it hurts them to see other operating at their full potential, especially when they know they’re not.  For others I think they are more threatened by success.  Their belief system is about limits and shortages so the more someone else has the less for them and since they see everything from the perspective of limits and shortages and since there’s only so much to go around they may even feel as if the more successful are stealing from them and they must be fought.  It’s sad.  And glorious.  Because when you start getting these kind of haters, it is definitely a sign you’re moving in the right direction.

What’s with all the work???

I feel best when I’m contributing.

If you have a problem with work, you have a problem with life.  Life is a game.  Work is play.  Your work space is your playground.  Seriously, what needs to shift in your mind to where you can get to a place where you can see work as play?

JARROD to GRANT:  “You have like zero zero scarcity like your mindset.”

What do you wish people knew about you as a business owner?

“The reason I’m having a hard time answering that question is I don’t think anyone’s going to believe it.”

At first it looked like we weren’t going to get the answer to this question and I was getting a bit disappointed, but…  Good news comes

On just being yourself:

“Sometimes you can’t be yourself YET, because you haven’t figured out who you are yet…   So anytime I’ve strayed from me (and that’s a little bit back to your question about what would I want people to know); look I’m just trying to I’m just trying to I’m just trying to be me.”

[EXERCISE #1:  Look back at a time where you’ve tried to be someone you’re not and it did more harm than good.]

I learned a very hard lesson about this during the second half of my first year in the car business.  The lesson was painfully clear:  The fastest way to piss off a customer is to do your best Grant Cardone impression.

How do you find out who you are?

What would your life be like if you were finally super comfortable in that skin jacket you call a body?  How will you feel when you own yourself completely?  What could you do if you became super confident about everything?

You got to find out who you are.  You got to find out who you are and all the stuff that you don’t like doing, it probably is the shovel you need to pick up and start digging.”

So when Grant says, “pay the price today so you can pay any price tomorrow,” he’s not limiting this to just money.  You know what the outcome looks like, you can see what your potential is and what your life will be like, but to get there, you have a price to pay.  And that price is typically doing a bunch of stuff you don’t want to do.

Discomfort is where you will meet the real you and where you will release the real you.

[EXERCISE #2:  What can you do DAILY that will get you uncomfortable and help release the real you.  Here’s three ideas if you’re in business and sales.  Exercise, role-play and cold call.  Can you find a way to incorporate these tree things into your daily routine?]

This is also how you gain immediate competitive advantages in the market by capitalizing on what your competition won’t or refuses to do.


  • When Grant was in his mid to late 20s he trained everyday for 50 minutes on a topic he didn’t even like but KNEW was vital to his success.
  • When Grant was 35, he started reading Barron’s and The Wall Street Journal to learn about finance and it felt like trying to read a foreign language.

The ability to push through when you want to quit is a skill that must be continually developed but it builds tremendous confidence.

Grant gives the secret to success with Cardone University:

  1. Learn the material as it is
  2. Get some wins with it as it is
  3. Start creating your own variations

[EXERCISE #3:  Whether you’re using our products or something else, as an individual, training on your own, this is the order of learning content.  If you’re skipping the middle step, adjust accordingly.  Manager’s this is how you want your people to study content however, keep in mind, this is NOT how you train the team.  There’s a whole different Rx for team training and development.]

The 2 Consequences of Confidence:

  1. Don’t need to copy other people’s stuff
  2. Don’t need to attack others to build your brand

What is money?

Insurance and proof.

Pay attention DAILY to your money.

[Exercise #4:  Let’s add looking at your money every morning to your list of uncomfortable things to do.  Did it increase, decrease or stay the same and if it didn’t increase, why?  What will you do today to add to and then multiply this money?  SIDE NOTE / WARNING:  Why would anyone suggest to you that you put your money somewhere and then forget it or not pay attention to it?]

Grant Cardone Net Worth 2020:  How important is it anyway?

In the interview Grant and Jarrod get into that a little bit and start bouncing around numbers but to Grant’s point, if you’re worried about your net worth and especially about Grant’s net worth, your attention is on the wrong stuff.

Grant has attention on legacy and the long game.  The net worther is stuck on some ego trip.  If you’re Googling “Grant Cardone Net Worth 2020” or “Grant Cardone Net Worth 2019” you have your attention on the wrong thing.

Grant:  I tell people what’s true for me.

This is how we all should operate.  The real questions should be:

  • When did you stop (telling people what’s true for you)?
  • Why did you stop?
  • Who convinced you to stop?

How to pay for sh*t:

  1. Don’t buy it if you can’t buy it twice
  2. Pay for it with passive income, not earned income
  3. Recognize it’s a stupid purchase

How to transition:

“Quit thinking & do it”

This is the muscle nobody talks about.  It’s literally a skill.  Quit thinking and do it.  Creation is a work in progress.  You have to see it.  Thoughts, ideas have no physical reality.  Do it.  Try it.  See what happens.  If it’s not right dump it quick.  You’re not going to make every shot you take.  Period.  300 batting average means you miss 70% of the time.

Life literally depends on you succeeding every day

So how do you create that “my life depends on winning” mindset?

  1. It’s a muscle you develop
  2. It also builds momentum, like a flywheel
  3. And then the threat

There needs to be a threat in the environment in order for somebody to be propelled to go…”

That uneasy feeling is actually healthy (PHEW!)

Jarrod while Grant nods in TOTAL agreement:  “…like somebody that that that slight bit of anxiety or paranoia or feeling, whatever you want to call it [Grant, “walking into a cage with a dog”] that edge that little bit of edge is required to get people to produce.
2 ways to get the uneasy feeling and develop the muscle:
  • Do new stuff you’re not comfortable with
  • Perform stuff that’s “below your pay grade” that’s mundane and tough at the highest level

Frugal will get you to certain place and then it traps you

Production > Saving.  BUT don’t have more going out than what’s coming in.  Handle that then produce.  Require discipline that a lot of people don’t have.  Discipline first, produce like crazy second, third thing is put the production into assets that are going to pay you forever.

^^^Recipe for real freedom?^^^

[Exercise #5:  When you’re 80 and you look back over your life, what will you be most proud of as a business person?]

“I know I’ve underestimated what could happen the whole time”

How you’ll know you’re on purpose:  Look at what you’re doing now.  Is your why/purpose so big that whether or not you win or lose, someone gives your 10 million or takes it all away, you’re still showing up tomorrow.

How to know if you’re a slave:

When you’re doing it just to pay the bills.  Doesn’t matter whether it’s a million dollars a year or 70 thousand bucks a year.  When you’re just paying bills, when that’s your only motivation…  Slave.

Grant Cardone Net Worth 2020:  Don’t Hate Up.  Look Up and Work Up

Let the haters hate:  “It’s good for us – because when they’re doing that they can’t be creating on their own game.  You can’t [reach for your true potential] while talking about me at the same time.”

What COULD 10X Growth Con Be For You?

When you walk in and you look around and say this is important…  feel the possibility and the fear if they don’t move to the possibility…   if you don’t work on the possibility you’re gonna be consumed by the liabilities.
Grant Cardone Net Worth 2020

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