Going Through Economic Turmoil

5 Tips For Going Through Economic Turmoil

At this time of world crisis, you cannot panic but you do NEED to act!  Grant Cardone has 5 tips for us as we’re going through economic turmoil:

1) Operate with 10X levels of action. Literally outwork everyone now as though you are about to enter the Great Depression of our lifetime.

ACTION IDEA:  What does “outwork everyone” look like in your space?  How will you know if you’re actually outworking everyone?  Do this math and track your output.

2) Stop ALL spending except on those things that can increase income. Do NOT spend to consume; spend only to increase income.

ACTION IDEA:  Open up your books and start. Cut out all unnecessary spending.  If it’s not getting you better or enabling you to increase income, it’s got to go.

3) Keep your firewood dry and add to it. Accumulate cash—wood for your fire—at all cost and spend nothing, preparing to invest when real assets get cheaper (they will). Prepare to steal when the market capitulates (throws up). Build your fire so big others stare in amazement.

ACTION IDEA:  Start researching now where the opportunities will be.  Get out in front this.  You can’t afford to be anywhere but out front.

4) Do whatever it takes to increase income. Take on other income opportunities to increase your monthly income and save it all.

ACTION IDEA:  What multiple flows of income can you create right now that you can immediately start seeing new income and revenue?

5) Learn ‘how’ think rather than ‘why’ think and act like an entrepreneur. That means sales, marketing, negotiating, follow up, and branding.

What You Should Be Studying Right Now:

Read or reRead the following (in this order):

  1. If You’re Not First You’re Last
  2. Be Obsessed Or Be Average
  3. The 10X Rule
  4. The Millionaire Booklet

Sharpen your sales skills with Cardone U.

If you could get 100% better in 30 days at just one selling skill right now, what would it be?  On a scale from one to ten, rate yourself on these skill sets…

  1. your ability to stay positive and motivated,
  2. prospect,
  3. cold call,
  4. fact find,
  5. present,
  6. negotiate,
  7. close,
  8. follow up,
  9. work the phone, and
  10. network on social media

Which one came in the lowest?  That’s what you want to hard target for the next 30 days.  What would happen if you trained on it every day for 30 days.  Would you increase your income?  Would you be better equipped for going through economic turmoil?

If you have Cardone U already, make this commitment to yourself to spend 20-30 minutes a day working on your one thing.

If you don’t have Cardone U, you can get it for 30 days for free right now.  This is how Grant gives back.  If you remember from Sell Or Be Sold, “service is senior” and “give, give, give” and this is how Grant exemplifies these principals.

How to get yourself out of hopelessness