What to avoid during a job interview

What to avoid during a job interview

What to avoid during a job interview

Grant is sick of hiring people that are uninspired. He’s done with people who can make more excuses than they can make money. He’s over the book smart but people stupid, and he just throw up if he hears again what you did rather than what you can do.

That’s why Grant created a reality TV series called Whatever It Takes: The Ultimate Job Interview. It’s not a challenge, it’s not a contest—it’s the way he hires people. Season 2 premieres Friday April 1st  at 10 PM EST at www.TheUltimateJobInterview.com

Grant’s got two rules:
1. Find great people
2. Never tolerate average

Grant needs people who will refuse to settle. And if someone has even the slightest hint of being a whiner or a crybaby—he’ll find out.  Grant doesn’t care about someone’s past. If they bring it all, they will have a real shot, a real opportunity at real money and a real future at his company.

Having gone through countless job interviews—on camera and off, Grant wants to give you a few tips today about what to avoid during a job interview…