Why are you just getting by?

Why are you just getting by?

Why are you just getting by?  In 1892, The Pledge of Allegiance was written.  This happened five hundred years after Columbus sailed the Atlantic and landed in America. Today, right now, Grant Cardone wants to challenge you to take a different pledge.  Put your hand over your heart and recite:

I pledge allegiance to the creation of success, and to my family’s success for which I stand, with liberty and freedom available for all.

More.  You need more.  This is the main theme of Grant’s Strategy Of The Week for April 8, 2016.  You need more than just basic needs.  You need to succeed.  And this kind of success goes well beyond just a job, access to health care, an education, housing, food, and transportation.  Life can be brutal for many.  Real success means you having more than just your basic needs.  If basic needs are all you’re looking to get that’s all you will get. People aren’t planning for emergencies and then act surprised when something bad happens.  People don’t and then aren’t prepared because they only chase the basic needs.

Grant wants to challenge you to stop being interested in “just getting by.”  Do you know for yourself how real success is different than just getting by?  Success is abundance.  Where you don’t want “just enough” and you’re not satisfied with average.  Grant wants so much that he can afford to waste.  How many parents tell their children to eat everything on their plate? Grant will always leave something on his plate. Why? Because he has an abundance. You too do not want to think in terms of shortages…