What to do when you hit your goal

when you hit your goal

What to do when you hit your goal

What happens when you hit your goal?  You hit this mark, this milestone and everything changes.  Change and transition, even the most coveted change and transition is sometimes rough and violent.  The good news is that in Grant Cardone’s Strategy Of The Week for October 27th, 2016, Grant reminds us that all of life is a transition.

Friends come and go. You move to one place and eventually move again. Kids grow older. Your financial situation changes. You commit to something, do it, and then commit to something new. You have a purpose and then time passes and you find you have a new purpose. Goals come and go. Those who are the most alive and who make the biggest impact on planet earth know how to update and refocus their obsessions as they mature, as life changes, and as opportunities come and go.

Once Grant was speaking to troops transitioning from military service to civilian life at the Pentagon and told them, “From the moment you are born to the moment you die, your life is in transition. It’s not just the start and the finish that matter; it’s all the stuff in the middle.” It can be tough to redefine who you are as conditions in life change.

When you hit your goal, it is vital to continue to create newer and bigger goals.

Some people say things like, “If I just had a million dollars, I would retire and play golf every day.” When he gets there, he plays golf 3 or 4 hours in the morning, goes home and watches TV, and quickly becomes bored with his life. The problem is he quits making new goals for himself. When you reach a destination you can’t become stagnant. The grass quickly becomes greener elsewhere when you stop looking after your own lawn.

when you hit your goal