What is the best way to build a business

the best way to build a business

GREAT Salespeople build their business one customer at a time through service

What is the best way to build a business?  The GREAT salespeople know that the best way to build a business is one customer at a time through customer service.

Treat each customer individually and remember what Grant talks about in his book Sell Or Be Sold:

“You’re in the people business, not the ‘X’ business.”

Keep in mind, every client is important and every client is valuable.  Some you will be able to help more than others but they are ALL important.

The best way to build a business is through support and service.  Take care of your clients and not only be willing, but actually go the extra mile.

Great salespeople ask their clients (often) questions like:

  • Is the anything you need?
  • What can I do for you?
  • How are things going?
  • How can I help?

Great salespeople are constantly looking to be of service.  That is the best way to build a business.  Great salespeople look to figure out how to continue to support and assist that customer.

Grant Cardone believes that there is no such thing as too much support and too much service.  Each of your customers are valuable and you will build your business with them one customer at a time.

CHALLENGE:  Who did you think of?  What client have you not supported enough?  Do all of your clients know they are important and valuable?  This week make the time to reach out to your client base, let them know you’re here and see how they are doing and most importantly how you can be of continued service.

To fully understand the value of being in the people business and not the “X” business, review that chapter in Sell Or Be Sold.  When was the last time you read that?  Now would be a good time.  And if you have access to either Cardone On Demand or Cardone University, hop in and review the Course called Give, Give, Give.  This will help with your understanding of service and the best way to build a business.

the best way to build a business

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