Great Salespeople Follow Up Relentlessly

Great Salespeople follow up

Great Salespeople Follow Up Relentlessly

Great salespeople follow up relentlessly, without thought, completely whacked; follow up.

Grant Cardone follow up has included Grant calling on a client 15 times in 3 days.  Mrs. Cardone asked Grant how many times he planned on calling the client.  When he told her, she wondered if maybe that’s not working.

Grant’s response was, “well it’s not working yet.  It worked on you!”

“What do you mean?” Elena asked.

“I called you for 13 months!”  Grant said with a smile.

Great Salespeople follow up relentlessly…

Follow up must be committed and relentless.  Grant asks, “why would you make 10 calls but not make the 11th?”

Grant Cardone Follow Up challenges your thinking.  “Why would you spend three months on a deal and give up because it didn’t work out?  You got three months invested.”

What average and even good salespeople do is give up on that deal and start all over on another deal for three months.

Grant’s point here is beyond just follow up.  It’s about finishing.

“Part of finishing,” Grant says, “is following up relentlessly.”

Great Salespeople follow up

Have you ever followed up so hard they asked you what was wrong with you?

On the 16th call, Grant told the client if he didn’t hear back, he figures the client wants to go ahead and that he’ll be shipping the product.   Client called back in four seconds.

This on one example of what Grant means.

Great Salespeople follow up relentlessly…

Follow them home if you have too…  stalk ’em!


Here’s the most important part.

Great Salespeople follow up relentlessly because they care so much!

They care so much they refuse not to close.  Grant talks about that in The Closer’s Survival Guide.  And they know with full certainty that they have a GREAT product.

If this post is making you uncomfortable about going to extremes, then it’s a sign there’s a lack of certainty for you, your product or your company.

How far will you go to do the right thing?

This is challenging for most because this is not encouraged in our culture to be relentless.  But when you look at the GREATS, they refuse to settle, they refuse to be average, they are relentless.

Great relentless follow up requires creativity and commitment.  Cardone On Demand and Cardone University has an entire course on follow up and one year’s worth of tips and techniques to keep you fresh in your customer’s mind and finish the deal.

If you don’t have access to our follow up material and tools or you need help maximizing them, shoot an email to david@grantcardone or call direct 310-777-0352.  Non-subscribers can get a 3-day complimentary test drive to Cardone On Demand or Cardone U.

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