Grant Cardone’s 10 Rules To Get Your Money Right

Grant Cardone’s 10 Rules To Get Your Money Right

Sometimes you just need to take a good long hard look in the mirror and call yourself out.  We’re going to do this together so know you’re not alone on this.  Here’s the hard question:

Is your money right?


It’s a yes or no question.  We’re not allowed to say stupid stuff like, “almost, sort of, it depends” or any other combination of BS that cushions the blow of the reality of the situation.  Is your money right?  If not, why not?  And if not, are you willing to make the sacrifices necessary to finally get your money right?

Many people right now are tragically struggling and hurting because they never confronted this money thing head on.  Many other people right now are about to turn a new leaf and have real attention on finally becoming financially secure and free in the coming year(s).

Grant Cardone has an info graphic on the Twitter that has 10 Rules to get your money right.  So if you’re looking to spend 2021 creating financial independence, freedom and security, these are the rules:

WARNING:  These are crazy simple rules but simple does not equate with easy.

And as we go into these 10 rules to get your money right, the main question you need to be asking yourself as you go through them is, how could I make these work?  Can you resit the temptation to dismiss or discard because it sounds impossible or too hard?  How could you make these work?  If you knew your life depended on it, how would you make them work, because right now, your life very well may depend on it.  OK, get ready, here we go…

Grant Cardone’s 10 Rules To Get Your Money Right

  1. Don’t spend it until you get it.
  2. If you cheat on your money, you money will cheat on you.
  3. Save 40% until it’s time to invest it.
  4. If you can’t write it off, don’t buy it.
  5. Rent and lease.  Don’t own.
  6. Stabilize and grow your first income flow.
  7. The 47 Rule:  40 hours for your boss/7 hours for you.
  8. Stay broke because cash is trash.
  9. You don’t want cash, you want cash flow.
  10. Never quit until you achieve your goals.

ACTION IDEAS to dial these in

Do you have financial goals and targets?  How much money do you need to feel financial security?  How much money equals financially free?  HUGE difference between financial security and financially free.  What’s the difference, do you think?  If you don’t have financial goals and targets, set some and do that now.

Next, why those goals and targets?  Why did you pick those numbers and what do they mean to you?

Third thing, what will you have to give up to follow and for some, achieve these rules and disciplines?  For example, if you started saving 40% of your income right now, could you meet your basic needs of food, shelter, transportation, and clothing?  If the answer is no, that’s a problem and since problems are opportunities, then what needs to happen?  Well, remember the question, how could you make it work?  Step one would be you need to increase income to the degree that you can live off 20% of your income, so you can save 40%.

Let’s do that math…  if you need $5,000 a month to cover your basic needs and that represented 20% of your income, how much do you make a month?  These are the word problems they should be having kids do in school.  $25,000 a month.  Which means you’re setting aside $10,000 a month for savings.  In 12 months, with no interest, you’re at $120,000 saved which makes you a millionaire in 8.33 years assuming no growth, just principle.

So how do you save 10 grand a month?  FOLLOW THE RULES!!!!

And since the reality here is you need to increase income, the best place to learn how to do that is Cardone U.  There’s a 14 day free trial right now and you can stay on it for only 97 a month.  Also, if you can find it in you to forgo the 14 days and start right away, we have a special offer for you.  Check out and be great because nothing else pays.

Get Your Money Right