Seek To Be Number One

be number one

GREAT Salespeople look to be number one in their industry, not just #1 in their company.

They know that to be number one and to have this status will result in more sales.  Being #1 is not about the ego for these people. ..  (well maybe just a little bit)

but they know, “if I can tell my customers…”

  • ‘I am the freaking lord of my industry’
  • ‘I am the man / woman!’
  • ‘I am it’
  • ‘I am #1’

GREAT Salespeople know that that status is leverage for more sales, larger margins and referrals.

It also creates a perception that cannot be replaced or duplicated.

#1 is #1.

It’s the only position you want to be in.  You know the saying by now, right?

“If you’re not first, you’re last!”

  • This week, find out what it takes to be #1 in your industry?
  • Also, find out who is #1 in your industry right now.
  • And since we’re already into 2018, would it make sense to create a battle plan to be number one by the end of 2018?

Let us know what you find out — what do you plan to do to be GREAT?

Because as you know…

BE GREAT, because nothing else pays…  much