AMBITION: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

AMBITION: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

This week’s word is ambition or ambitious, we’re going to do both. Now I’m going to ask you a series of questions and I want you to put some quality thought into the questions I’m about to ask and why this is important.

Who do you know, that is ambitious?  Now, who can you think of, whether that’s in your existing life or somebody in the Twitter sphere or the global sphere?  Who Can you think of?  Who do you know that you would consider to be ambitious? Or to have ambition?  Who do you know for you?

What does it mean? Like literally what does it mean?  To you, ambition, or to be ambitious, what does it mean?  What kind of feelings does that word stimulate in you?  What does that word mean to you?  Because let’s face it, right? For some folks ambition may have some negative connotations.  It could be positive, right?  Or it could be negative, but what does it mean to you?

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When are you ambitious right now?  This is ambition. I’ll get the definition in a second but it’s a noun right?  It could be a state of being it could be a feeling that you have, you could be feeling ambitious right now or not…  This is a mood if you will, it can ebb and it can flow… like when are you and what
has to happen for you to be ambition or to have ambition or to be ambitious?

Where are you ambitious? Where? What do you mean it’s a noun, a noun would be a person place with thing. And so if it is a noun, then that implies that it exists somewhere. So where is your ambition?

Why?  Right??? Like, why would you be ambition? Or why would you have ambition?

And then how?  How do you be ambition? How do you be ambitious?  I mean, is it even okay?  I mentioned earlier sometimes people have a negative connotation attached to this word as well, right?  So is it even okay to be that way in today’s day and age?  Some would say no.

AMBITION: The Wednesday Word

So let’s get the definition: So it’s a noun, right?  We talked about that, a strong desire to do or achieve something typically requiring determination and work. Now this gets interesting. The definition the origin, right? T

he etymology of ambition and ambitious, it’s Latin, means to go around canvassing usually for votes.

So is there a sales lesson in here somewhere?

I think so. And so let’s just talk about the sales aspect of being ambition, ambitious, or having ambition. Let’s just talk about the sales lesson in there.

So your strong desire, what is it?  What do you want to achieve? What do you want to have?
Who do you want to be?  What do you want to do?  Meaning, what is that thing, that one thing that you are determined to create and to have and to be and do in your life before you check out, before you leave Planet Earth?

What is your determination?  What determines you?

That’s a great question. I used to do a lot of theater in high school in college and you’re always asking,  “Hey, what’s my motivation?”  Do you know what is driving you?  What is it that’s stirring up your ambition?  What are you willing to work for?  Work hard, meaning bust your ass for? What are you willing to do?

Because look, if we go to the etymology, again, right, and we talk about going around canvassing for votes in order for you to create real success in your life. Right, your unique people. You need people voting for you, meaning you need people supporting you, buying from you, exchanging with you.

So the first sales lesson is you need people, you need votes. And then last week, I asked you a question and what I asked you last week, what are you willing to give up?

What are you willing to give up?

But let me flip flop on a word here? What are you going to give up. Because if you’re going to have, if you’re determined and you’re willing to work and you want to create success and you’re ambitious, some things are going to have to go away.  Some trees are going to need to get pruned.

Which brings me to this point right out of Grant’s book If You’re Not First, You’re Last. There’s a chapter in there called Act Hungry.

It’s easy to act like you’re invincible when you’re busy and in demand, and you have more work than you can handle your women there. However, it’s just not that attractive. Knock off the arrogance and start acting. hungry. Acting hungry means that you’re aggressively ambitious. It’s right there. aggressively ambitious or competitive. Perhaps It stems from a need to overcome poverty or past defeats, or it’s because your desire to succeed is so great. Regardless of your position in life… 

If you want to stay on top, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to earn more business during good times and bad. Don’t let yesterday’s success give you a false sense of security and make you feel like you don’t need success today. And tomorrow, you must have your attention on the future to create one. And you must do things now that you didn’t do before.

That was strong. Right?  So, Ambition:  The Wednesday Word homework for you leading into next week and ironically in the next week’s word, Okay, ready?

Take the week and every day multiple times a day I would like you to ask yourself and ruminate on, ponder this question:

What specific goal would I need to have in order to be ambitious 24/7?

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