3 Signs Of A Professional

3 Signs Of A Professional

How do you know you’re dealing with a professional anything?  Salesperson, marketer, business owner, athlete, anything really.  There are 3 key signs of a professional and if you’re looking to level up and raise your own bar, you need to also raise your awareness of these and make sure your exhibiting these behaviors in your own life.

  1. Focus on Results Not Effort
  2. Willing to Persist and Insist in the Close
  3. Invest in Networking, Community, and Building Relationships

Let’s go over these three in depth and see what actions we can take to level ourselves up on these.

Signs Of A Professional

Focus on Results Not Effort

Everything we do or don’t do produces a result.  And it’s the results that will or won’t be what gets food on the table, roof over the head and clothes on the back.  It’s also the results that will or won’t pay for that vacation, retirement, daughter’s wedding, medical bills that insurance suddenly won’t cover, uniforms for your kid’s sports team.  You can’t tell your landlord you tried really hard.  The game of life doesn’t give participation trophies.

What results will you produce today?  Are you productive or just busy?  Put pressure on yourself each day to look at the results you produced at the end of the day.  And when you are results driven, people will know that they are dealing with a professional.

Willing to Persist and Insist in the Close

Are you willing and more importantly able to persist and insist in the close and if not why not?  The professional ties their purpose to the close.  Remember what The Closer’s Survival Guide teaches us.  The close represents 20% of our time and 100% of our money.  This means that if we’re focused on the result and connected to purpose we’re willing to persist and insist in the close.

Next up though is do you have the ammo to stay in there long enough to get the deal done and are you well practiced and rehearsed?  The mark of a true professional is one who practices, drills and rehearses.

Invest in Networking, Community, and Building Relationships.

People who wait for something to happen are amateurs.  People who make something happen are professionals.  Professionals also know that the solution to all problems in sales is a full pipeline and that the biggest problem for any business and professional is obscurity.  A professional will invest time, money and energy into getting known, into marketing and branding themselves as the expert and go-to person in the space.  You must get known in order to build relationships and as Grant tells us in If You’re Not First You’re Last, the difference between a contact and a contract is the letter R and that stands for Relationship.

Are you a PRO?

Based on these 3 indicators, how would you rate yourself as a professional?  And what actions will you take this week to raise your level of professionalism.  You owe it to yourself, your family, your co-workers and your community to:

  1. Focus on Results Not Effort
  2. Willing to Persist and Insist in the Close
  3. Invest in Networking, Community, and Building Relationships

If you need help with these things, we have a solution