Trust fund manager wanted

trust fund

Great Salespeople trust their instinct, creativity and passion to lead and fuel them!

Trust:  the belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, and effective.  Trust fund:  a fund comprised of a variety of assets intended to provide benefits to an individual or organization.

You are a living trust fund.  You’re making deposits and withdrawals into this fund daily.

Do you trust your instincts?  Do you trust your creativity and your passion?  Are you able to use these traits to lead and fuel yourself?

The GREAT salespeople trust their instincts.  They trust their creativity and they trust their passion! And, they use these traits to lead and fuel themselves.

Do you ever get a feeling that you should call someone?  When the GREATS get that feeling, they make the call.  They are in tune with their clients.  They are depositing into their trust fund.

A good example here would be parents.  They have this intuition.  When you get it, do you trust it, do you follow it?

Great salespeople and great business people know how to follow and trust this instinct.

The GREATS show up completely and then they allow their brilliance to come out, guide them and show up with them.  Keep in mind, this is a decision, something that you allow to happen.  No one else can do this for you, you have to be the one.

CHALLENGE:  Be your own trust fund manager.  Start making daily deposits into your personal trust fund.  Find ways to let out your creativity, your passion, your brilliance and your instinct…  let it out and more importantly, trust in it.

Give yourself permission to not have it all figured out.  “Remember, commit first figure it out later.”

This is what it takes to be exceptional.  Trust.

Need a little reminder sometimes?   Sure, we all do, even Grant.  That what these postcards are for!  Keep you in check!

trust fund