The Tortoise and the Hare Myth Busted

The Tortoise and the Hare Myth

The Tortoise and the Hare Myth Busted

The Tortoise and the Hare myth just got busted.  No need to call Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman.  Heck, you don’t even need the defunct design team for this one because the Tortoise and the Hare myth got busted this week by Grant Cardone.

In Grant’s Strategy of the Week for February 4th, 2016, Grant looks at Aesop’s story as being misleading, especially in today’s economy.  There might just be another way to win the race.  The question Grant asks is, what if there was a way to do both?  What if there was another competitor?  A third more effective and powerful competitor in the Tortoise and Hare myth that was capable of both?  This competitor would cause the story to be renamed:  “Smoked!”

Smoked would be a hybrid, both the tortoise and the hare.  Capable of going incredibly fast while having the ability to plod and persist.  “If patience is a virtue, urgency is divine.” Grant tells us.  Google “how to unclog a toilet” and you get about 511,000 results (0.61 seconds).  The speed at which we move now is akin to the hare and with so many distractions abounding at every turn, the persistence and focus of the tortoise is more valuable now than ever.

You have to exercise both traits in order to succeed…