Sales Meeting Agenda from Grant Cardone


Grant Cardone’s perfect Sales Meeting Agenda

At Grant Cardone’s office, the sales team has a meeting every morning at 8:20.  Our sales meeting agenda has a prerequisite that you’ve already done your Cardone University training for the day and that you’re prepared to discuss what you watched.   As a team we train on the same content plus everyone is doing something individually as well.  On average, our salespeople do 20-30 minutes per day inside Cardone University.

What does the perfect sales meeting agenda look like?

The actual meeting is limited to 20 minutes.  It starts promptly at 8:20.  Period.  This is a real life example of “early is on time, on time is late and late in unacceptable.”  Ant the meeting also ends promptly at 8:40.

NOTE:  Nobody.  And I mean NOBODY rolls into ANY meeting at Cardone Training Technologies on time.  You’re either early or you’re late.  It is part of the culture and shows respect for Grant, the company leadership, the mission we’re on and our clients.

  • Warm Up – 120 seconds:  Standard warm up is what we call 10/10/10.  10 Jumping Jacks, 10 High Knees, 10 Jumping Jacks.  This gets the blood flowing and gets everyone’s attention on being present and actually at the meeting
  • Discussion – 16 minutes:  Here we round robin and talk about key take-aways from Cardone University.
  • Wrap Up – 120 seconds:  Someone ties it all together and wraps it all up.

What comes next?

5 minutes of team videos and then 20 minutes of role-play before the company meeting starts promptly at 9:05.

What are team videos?  Team videos are where the team huddles up and one guy standing up front starts a selfie video for a client who hasn’t closed yet with the following statement, “Bob, not only do you get me with Cardone U, but you get the whole team!!!”  And he pans up holding the camera so all team members are in the shot and everyone begins to cheer for Bob and chant his name.”

Role-play:  KISS

  • 5 minutes of practicing and drilling agreement
  • 15 minutes of working on some part of the sales cycle and handling objections

I also wanted to share with you some of the thought bombs, cognitions and mental explosions that happen during these meetings.  We’ve been going over the fundamentals again because you can’t really ever go over them enough…  We’re going over Massive Actions right now..

Four Nuggets From The Boiler Room

  1. The difference between work and play is how you perceive it. 

    What if you could train your mind to see your work as play?  If you can gamify work, what would that do for you?   How would like to feel like a professional athlete?  What does it feel like to get paid to play?  That’s really just a matter of your perception.

  2. Keep your clients on the front end all the time. 

    So often in sales we treat customers as a one and done when in reality they should be a flow of revenue.  Maybe instead of seeing someone as closed or finished we should start seeing them as just opened up or turned on like a faucet.  There’s the old saying that the only problem with closing a sale is you just lost your best customer.  What if that turned out to be a myth?  In The Millionaire Booklet, Grant talks about creating multiple flows of income.  Every sale you make, every client you have should become a steady flow.

  3. Beware of taking advice from people stuck in a past failure.

    Grant’s book The 10X Rule opens with “Anyone that suggests to me to do less is either not a real friend or very confused.”  Keep this in mind when people approach you looking to be helpful.  They may not even be aware of it but they are literally trying to make since of why they quit and they’re going to try to use you to do it.  If you feel compelled to engage in conversation with them, the most appropriate question to ask is, “really, why do you say that?”  And as you explore their reasoning, you will ultimately find their answer to be more about them than you.

  4. You doing more, less or the same; it’s a choice.

    One of the many lessons I’ve learned from Grant is that the outflow will always be senior to the inflow.  It’s a law of nature.  If you at nature, there is always a vast amount of outflow in comparison to the inflow.   So whether you do enough to produce your desired result or just enough or not enough, it’s all your choice.  You get to pick your activity level and you also get to enjoy the consequences.

How about you?

What are your sales meetings like?  Are you doing it daily?  Look if it’s worth doing once, it’s worth doing everyday.  Athletes warm up before the game, why wouldn’t you?  Business owners and managers, did you know that at least 67% of your workforce (probably more) is disengaged at work?  That means their body is at work and that’s about it!  Salespeople, are you in the game or is everyday Whatever Wednesday for you?  You need to DO something every day to get your head on right, warm up your selling/service muscles before you start taking action.

Have you tried Cardone University for yourself.  Managers and Business owners, head over to 10X Your Team for more information about how to level up your team and salespeople check out Cardone U right now where you can test drive us for 2 weeks.