Grant Cardone’s 5 Traits To Manifesting Success
Success has ingredients. There are commonalities. Look at the American Dream. It is the dream of freedom, of success, of making your dreams a reality and it is real. Grant Cardone has been studying success since he was 15 years old and he has found that there are common ingredients that everyone has and can cultivate. In a YouTube video from Oct of 2020, Grant gives us…
5 Traits To Manifesting Success
- Courage
- Commitment
- Execution
- Discipline
- Visionary
ACTION IDEAS: What do you want?
1. Courage
What do you want to manifest and what does success look like to you? Look at your goals. First of all, are they big enough to scare you? Because if the first trait here is courage, you better have some goals that scare you. You can’t have courage in the absence of fear.
2. Commitment
Next, where’s your commitment at? To really test your level of commitment, check your creativity. Creativity always follows commitment so if you’re creativity is low, so is your commitment. What do you need to commit more to?
3. Execution
One of the myths of manifestation is people assume you just sit on a rock and meditate until your bank account fills up. Really not how that works. Hate to break it to you but the missing ingredient and the thing they don’t really emphasize in The Secret is you’re going to have to do some work. So how’s your execution? What skill sets you need to be dialing in to be manifesting success?
4. Discipline
My guy Jocko Willink says, “discipline equals freedom.” And since we’re talking about the American Dream and freedom, it only make since to look at what you need to get more disciplined in.
5. Visionary
Who do you think of when you hear the word visionary? Where is their think at? Why not you? How would your life look if you put the 10X on your current goals and dreams? “Small thinking has and always will be punished in one way or another” Grant says.
So to START manifesting success, start thinking way bigger, have the discipline in place, take massive action, execute, move towards your future, stay committed, don’t give up and be courageous.
Every single one of can do these things. These are traits that are available to anyone. Remember, you are NOT limited by your color, sex, ethnicity, religion, sexuality or anything else that makes you uniquely glorious.
And anyone who tries to give you any type of label and then convince you that because of that label you are somehow incapable, have limited potential or are at some disadvantage know that that person in reality is the real oppressor and is not a true friend.
Every demographic has successful people and unsuccessful people and it is within your power to decide what side of your demographic you want to and will be on.