Inspired: The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom
INTRO: This week’s word is something that the average human relies on getting from the outside whereas the exceptional and top producers know how to create and cultivate it on their own.
WORD: Inspired (adjective)
DEFINITION of Inspired:
- of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse.
“they had to thank the goalie for some inspired saves” - (of a person) exhibiting a creative impulse in the activity specified.
“she was an inspired gardener” - (of air or another substance) that is breathed in.
“inspired air must be humidified”
ETYMOLOGY of Inspired:
Middle English enspire, from Old French inspirer, from Latin inspirare ‘breathe or blow into’ from in- ‘into’ + spirare ‘breathe’. The word was originally used of a divine or supernatural being, in the sense ‘impart a truth or idea to someone’. General sense of “influence or animate with an idea or purpose”
Inspired: The Wednesday Word ACTION IDEAS:
So that leads me to a series of questions. First off, are you? Inspired that is. If not, why not? What has inspired you in the past? What happened so that you’re not inspired anymore? Are you going to continue to allow that to hold you down? When was the last time you felt truly inspired? What was happening? Would you like to have that again?
Are you waiting for inspiration to strike or are you cultivating it by doing inspiring things? What if it turned out inspiration didn’t come from some external source but that divine energy has resided in you the whole time and you’ve just been relying on the external to fire it up when you’re had the key to the ignition all along? Are you willing to do the work to unleash and spark your internal fire so you don’t have to rely on an external fire to be inspired?