Fixed Salary vs Commission

Fixed salary vs comission

Fixed salary vs commission

Great salespeople see a job with a fixed salary as more of a risk than a job with a commission.  The Greats are looking for opportunity, not just a paycheck.  Fixed salary vs commission?  Well, the GREATS would never work for a fixed salary.  They’re looking for the big, juicy piece at the end.  They’re looking for potential and to go grab the gold.  No guarantees, no safety net, no rope, no draw, no wage rather…

Where’s the potential?

Escaping average means one must become interested in real prosperity, real greatness and becoming exceptional.  Great salespeople are looking for the luxury, not the protection, not the comfort, not the nets, but the opportunity.  To be great, you have to look for the opportunity and quit looking for a paycheck.

When looking at a fixed salary vs commission, potential and opportunity is much more important than safety comfort and security.

Exercise:  Make a list of 5 successful people who did not settle for a paycheck.  Answer this question:  what would the world be like today if they did?  Can you imagine what the world would look like if Levi Strauss stayed in New York?

Challenge:  Look around your company today.  Where are the opportunities to generate more revenue for the company and consequently yourself?

REMEMBER, “You’re GREATNESS, don’t fight it!”

grant cardone q&a