Grant Cardone’s CORE VALUES

Grant Cardone’s CORE VALUES

Core:  the central or most important part of something
Value:  a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life.

Journey:  The Wednesday Word

What are your core values?

I’m going to list off Grant Cardone’s Core Values that I saw posted on Instagram recently but before I do I want to make sure you have yours already.

Set the timer on your phone for 20 minutes.  Yes I know you don’t have 20 minutes and that’s exactly why this is so important.  Set the timer for 20 minutes and list out your core values.  Recently we talked about the 12 Commandments of Sales, so when it comes to your core values, how many should you have?  Grant’s list is 9 deep.  So you should have at least that but no more than 15.  Remember, we looking for the central or most important principles or standards of YOUR behavior.

Make a real effort to do this exercise first before we list out GC’s.  This is about what makes you tic, not just trying to be like Grant.  We’re talking about your core values first.  So list yours out first.  If you can get that handled in under 20 minutes, even better but if you need more than 20, you’re creating, not listing.  Follow?  Now get after it, I’ll be right here when you’re done…

Did you list out  your core values?

What was that like for you?  How do you feel about the list?  Is it complete?  Does it reflect your principles and standards of behavior?  Is it a solid representation of what is important in your life?  Now, how are you executing on your core values and then what can we learn from Grant’s core values to add wood to the fire we should ALREADY HAVE BURNING?

Grant Cardone’s CORE VALUES

  • Get results
  • Give more than you get
  • Repeat successful actions
  • Confront the hard stuff
  • Reward those who get results
  • Invest in making yourself better
  • Never depend on one action or one flow
  • Be analytical and decisive in your decisions
  • Create a culture that reflects your core values

ACTION IDEA #2:  Core Values Challenging Questions

Do you have more of your attention on results or efforts?  Have you made outflow senior to inflow yet?  Are you always looking for a better way to do something or do you have the discipline to stay on one successful action and repeat it over and over again?  Why don’t you confront the hard stuff and how’s that working out for you?  Who gets your time, energy and money and what’s the ROI from those investments?  And speaking of investments, in what ways DO you pay yourself first?  How are you growing the number one resource that is your brain?  How would your life be if you had 7 different sources of income all of which were able to support your desired lifestyle?  Can be emotionally flat in your decisions and make them quickly?  Are the people that you surround yourself with supporting your vision or clouding it?

Putting It All Together Now

OK, so you got your list, you got Grant’s list and we asked some hard questions.  Would it be a bad idea if you put this all together in a way that puts YOUR core values on steroids?  Remember, we’re adding wood to a fire that’s already burning.  How big and bright is it burning now?  How big and bright can you get it burning now?

Take another 20 minutes and see what you can do with it!