Creating wealth: Your basic entry point

Creating wealth

The Basic Entry Point To Creating Wealth

In Grant Cardone’s weekly strategy for January 15th, Grant show us the basic entry point for creating wealth.  First, Grant points out that while some mistakenly say that “the love of money is the root of all evil,” Grant believes it is more accurate to suggest that the lack of knowledge about money is the cause of most people’s financial problems. So many of us have so much false information regarding money, finance, budgets, debt, and income that it is no wonder that most people never accumulate much wealth.

Grant says he knows people who won’t buy anything if it isn’t on sale, yet who are still broke because they don’t understand how to produce income. They have spent their entire life thinking money is scarce, when in reality, it’s merely a currency printed by man. Grant also knows people who know how to produce income but never learn how to manage it and end up with none of it. While most of us believe that money isn’t the only element of happiness, we know that it’s necessary to maintain a comfortable life.

A financial plan differs from a budget and is the basic entry point to creating wealth. It serves as…