This week, Grant Cardone’s strategy of the week covers prospecting. You need cutting-edge sales prospecting tips and strategies in order to obtain, and then develop leads. This is exactly how to ensure you can grow your business in any economy. As Grant points out, before you can get to the advanced stuff, you have to learn and understand the basics of prospecting. The skill of prospecting will make you an invaluable asset to your company.
Learn the basics of prospecting is and why it is vital to your success.
You have to learn the basics of prospecting, what it is and why prospecting is vital to your success. Understanding the basics of prospecting is important. Look, if people don’t know who you are, it doesn’t matter what your price is, how good your product is, how good your service is, none of it matters if people aren’t thinking and talking about you. You have to not just have clients, but quality clients. And you can’t just have quality clients, but quality clients in the right numbers. This is where people fail.
Businesses fail not because they run out of money
Businesses fail not because they run out of money, they fail because they couldn’t produce enough prospects for their business quick enough that would fund their activities. The number one reason a salesperson or a business fails is the inability to find qualified, ready, willing, and able to buy people. You could be the greatest salesperson with the greatest product with the greatest location, but without people talking about you, coming to see you, reaching for you, you’re dead.
You have to confront this prospecting thing. That means cold calling. There’s 4 actions that people take with any prospect and only one of them works…