AGREEMENT:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

AGREEMENT:  The Wednesday Word #WednesdayWisdom

INTRO:  This week we’re going to talk about Grant Cardone’s #1 Rule of Selling

WORD: Agreement  (noun)

AGREEMENT:  The Wednesday Word

DEFINITION of Agreement:

  • harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling; a position or result of agreeing.
    “the two officers nodded in agreement”
  • a negotiated and typically legally binding arrangement between parties as to a course of action.
    plural noun: agreements
    “a trade agreement”
  • the absence of incompatibility between two things; consistency.
    “agreement between experimental observations and theory”


accord, concurrence, consensus, harmony, unity, like-mindedness, rapport, sympathy, acceptance, consent, acquiescence, endorsement, confirmation, covenant, pact, deal, bargain, settlement, understanding

ETYMOLOGY of Agreement:

late Middle English: from Old French agreer, based on Latin ad- ‘to’ + gratus ‘pleasing’.

Agreement:  The Wednesday Word ACTION IDEAS:

Based on your ego, the following may be easier said than done.  Always, always, always agree with the buyer.  Here’s the deal, no matter what the buyer says to you, claims or even, dare I say, demands, you should, under no circumstances, EVER disagree with them.  Nor would you ever want to make the buyer wrong and you definitely  don’t want to make any kind of overtly passive aggressive suggestions that their request is “impossible”.

If you’re in the habit of doing any of these, it’s costing you sales and profit.  However, once you get what Grant calls in sales, The #1 Rule of Selling down, this simple strategy, it will not only save your sales but you will start picking up extra deals left and right.

Keep in mind, that old adage, “the customer is always right,” is not even remotely true. More often than not, the customer is straight up wrong, or worse, they’re flat out lying to you, BUT that doesn’t mean you should call them out or make them wrong. When you tell someone you can’t, won’t, not allowed to or that’s impossible, you cause the customer to become defensive, more dug into their position, and make them less likely to agree.

You are on one side of the river and your customer is on the opposite side. Every time a customer complains and you disagree with them, it’s equivalent to adding a brick onto the wall you’re building between the two of you.

The sale will never happen with a solid barrier in the way.

Solution: When a customer has a complaint or concern, prove to them that you’re listening, that you understand and that you are willing to help them and find a situation.  You must be agreeable and be able to see things from their point of view if you’re going make the sale.

Question:  Do you want to be right or do you want to close the sale?

Challenge:  For the next 24 hours start agreeing with everyone you interact with and let me know how that works out for you.  Leave a comment below or hit me up on the new social media platform built on a blockchain called BitClout.

AGREEMENT:  The Wednesday Word