The 3 Requirements of SUCCESS
Look there are three requirements of success. Success requires hard work, dedication and commitment. On the road to success, there are no short cuts and there will be no easy way.
The bottom line is it’s hard work. It’s all hard work. If you went out and grabbed ten billionaires they are all going to tell you the same thing; everyone of them will say, “success requires hard work, dedication and commitment.”
Success does not have a short cut or a hack. Success has these three requirements that you simply cannot avoid. Hate to break it to you, but there is no easy way to success. Unfortunately, there is no way you are going to have success by just working part time on the internet or creating a multi-level network marketing business where everyone else is doing all the work.
Remember, no matter what, there is going to be hard work. Success is going to require dedication, it’s going to be tireless nights, it’s going to be long hours, it’s going to a sick, sick commitment. I mean sword all the way down in the earth, nobody can pull it out because you are so freaking committed. It’s going to be relentless, tireless, it’s going to be full of hard work dedication and commitment. There is no way around it. When somebody tries to tell you other wise, be warned. This is a scam! It is a short cut and it will not work.
Success, real success, beyond basic needs, requires hard work, dedication and sick, sick commitment.