The Power Of Positivity

power of positivity

The Power Of Positivity

Question for you:  Do you believe in the power of positivity?  Most people consider themselves to be a positive person.  We all know that to be a positive person, you need to have a smile, good posture, light in your eyes, and interest in the person you are interacting with.  In Grant Cardone’s Strategy Of The Week for October 14th, 2016, Grant tells us that your attitude will determine your mental disposition in life.  How you feel or what your position is to another or a thing will be based solely on your attitude.

Your attitude can be bad, neutral, good, or great.  But when it comes to selling, there is only one attitude you should have.  The attitude is a great attitude. You can’t even consider a bad, neutral, or even good attitude.  The power of positivity will prove that your paycheck is dependent on this one thing. Your attitude is that x-factor, and it’s very difficult to measure. It’s critical to your life, and particularly critical for selling career. If you don’t have people calling you “Mr. Positive” or “Ms. Positive,” it’s time for a gut check.

Having the power of positivity for a while is easy.  The question now is, how do you stay positive over hours, days, weeks, or your whole life?

The Power Of Positivity

The bottom line is this:  your attitude is determined by your thoughts. Your thoughts are determined by the content of your mind. The content of your mind is determined by your environment. The environment around you includes the Internet, TV, your friends, co-workers, and family. Where does your attitude come from and how do you keep it great?

Your body is a reflection of what you put in it and how you take care of it, and your mind is the same.

Whatever is going on in your head is going to come out of your mouth. What comes out of your mouth had to come from what first came into your mind. Your mind got the content from somewhere. Consider this, if you have angry content coming into your mind you will have an angry attitude. If you have apathetic, quit, give up, no solution content, you will have that kind of attitude. Preferably, if you have positive, solution-oriented, can-do content coming in, you will communicate it when you are with customers…

power of positivity