Handling Objections In The Greeting

Handling Objections In The Greeting

Handling Objections In The Greeting

FROM THE DESK OF GRANT CARDONE:  An objection is defined as an expression or feeling of disapproval or opposition; a reason for disagreeing. You need to be able to handle objections. Not everything a customer says to you is actually an objection—many times it’s just a complaint. “The price is too high” can be a complaint, which doesn’t mean that they aren’t a buyer. Always agree with them. If you don’t know what to expect you will get surprised and won’t be able to handle it. Don’t be caught off-guard. You need to learn everything you can about handling objections.

3 Tips for Handling Objections In The Greeting

1.Initiate Objections in the Greeting

—I love to initiate the objection before the buyer can bring it up. To make this work you need to know every possible objection you will ever hear. If you know your buyer is going to have an objection, why would you wait for them to bring it up when you could bring it up? Why wait to be defensive? 99% of the time you will hear the same objections come up in your greeting, like “I’m just looking”.

If I initiate, I can control. I want to initiate all of the things people are sensitive to—things like price, time, and pressure. If the customer already “knew” everything, they would have already bought. This is why you want to bring up objections before the customer is able to. Get them out of the way.

2.Handle Price in the Greeting

—This is a misunderstood issue by salespeople. Price is not the problem. If you avoid price with your buyer, you will make them frustrated. The more you hide the price the more they will get angry. When a customer wants a price, agree and get it for them. Agreeing is the first rule of selling, so be happy to get them the price.

When you tell them you will get them the price, follow it with another question so you can transition.  When someone brings up the price and I agree with them that price is important and I can’t wait to get it for you, then transition into fact finding.  Never be scared of a price. People who ask for a price are buyers.

3.Don’t Disagree

—Don’t try to be funny when talking about price. Don’t use any form of “no”, “not yet”, “can’t”, “I don’t know”, or “it depends”. Assure the customer you will take care of price without actually giving it prematurely. Price is not the reason people buy anything. You have to be confident with your price.

When it comes to the close your job is to justify the price, not reduce it. I have a product that is over twice the price of my competitors and I tell my customers it is the cheapest. I can say this because I know the value they will get from my product is ten times more—it’s a better deal…