People spend a lot of time dreaming about the good life but no time on how they are going to get there. Do you think you can get financial security playing the lottery? Probably ain’t gonna work. The odds are WAY against it. You could inherit it. However, less than 14% inherit a million dollars or more according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics… And a million is NOT wealth.
Listen, the good life is easy to live but hard to get.
I know from experience. It takes a lot of hard work and commitment. I gave up friends, lazy habits, relaxing on the weekends, and rewarding myself for made up successes with new cars, new clothes, a vacation or whatever it was.
If you’re serious about getting to financial freedom like I finally did, here’s four things to get you on track.
Grant Cardone Financial Security In 4 Steps
1. Understand delayed gratification. You must understand the value of doing work and not seeing the results right away. You need to understand you are laying the foundation for what you are building. Find tricks and reminders for yourself to keep your goals fresh and top of mind.
2. Find a mentor you trust. Find someone who knows how to navigate the road to where you want to go. Use their success and failures to guide you on what to do and what to avoid.
3.Ignore what’s going on around you. Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone has their own talents, strengths and weaknesses. Your situation is unique and different. And, on the other hand, don’t be distracted. Put your blinders on so you aren’t pulled from your goals and are working towards them.
4.Develop your skills. Become better at what you do. Improve yourself so you become more valuable to your employer, your business and in your life.
BONUS TIP: Keep yourself motivated! Seek out help to get you to your goals faster. Join us at 10X Growth Conference 3 in Miami from February 1-3.
It’s your chance to invest in yourself and make positive changes that will impact how you think, act and feel…and to be a part of something that will be talked about for YEARS to come.
With over 35,000 attendees, great world-class experts presenting and tremendous networking opportunities, it’s going to be EPIC.