3 ways to get to that next level

3 ways to get to that next level

3 ways to get to that next level

FROM THE DESK OF GRANT CARDONE:  Do you want to get to that next level of whatever it is you are doing?  Many people are taking a 4-day weekend with Thanksgiving right now.   But let me assure you that 4-day weekends will never take you to the next level of whatever it is you want to accomplish.  Olympians don’t stop training for 4 days straight, and if you want your finances right, you don’t stop working for 4 days straight.  This is an attitude thing—most people believe they deserve 4 days off.  I’m here to tell you today that having the right attitude alone can take you to that next level.

Once you get your own attitude right about work, then it’s time to get your attitude right while you’re selling.

As a business owner or as a salesperson, a great attitude can’t be shopped. What I mean by that is that price can be beaten, but a great attitude is priceless.

If I scream and threaten another person, what would you expect them to do? They’ll flee or fight. If I’m positive and agreeable, sooner or later it will start to melt away another’s negativity. This is because a positive attitude is contagious. The ability to stay positive despite negativity around you requires mental muscle.

  • “Great”,
  • “super”,
  • “excellent”,
  • “love it”,
  • “no problem” and
  • “I’d be happy to.”  

These are the phrases you need to get to that next level.

Once you have the right attitude ABOUT work, here are 3 things to remember about a great attitude while you work…

get to that next level


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