Do you know why people don’t follow up?

Follow up!

Follow up!

Follow up.

Grant Cardone’s Strategy of the Week addresses the question of follow up.

Grant got to thinking about his clients this week because he knew THEY are one of those people who are never satisfied.  He had the experience of calling three companies about three different products and he found all three of companies through Internet search and after three days not one had called him back.

Grant then started looking into this problem and found it is massive.

Here’s some startling facts to consider.  Did you know that 48% of all sales people never make even one follow up call and 65% of all businesses admit they don’t nurture leads?  Did you know that companies that do nurture sales leads with follow up have 47% higher profit margins than companies that do not?

Why do sales people and organizations fail to follow up?  Well it’s not what you think and the solution is simple.  My company took the time to survey over 800 sales people and 500 businesses that said…