3 Ways To Be Successful

ways to be successful

3 Ways To Be Successful

FROM THE DESK OF GRANT CARDONE:  When you approach success as your duty, you have a higher purpose than just money. You’ll give more than is expected and create rituals that put you in charge. If you’re looking for ways to be successful, don’t approach success as an option.  Most people I meet don’t have the two connected—success and duty.  They have success connected with “maybe” or “whatever” or “I hope I get lucky”.  You have to connect the idea of success as a duty, an obligation, and a responsibility.  Let the other 7 billion people go about wandering around planet Earth wishing, hoping, and praying that they might be successful.

I didn’t get this until I was about 40 years old, but you have to hook up success as your duty. I didn’t understand for a long time that to be successful was my duty—as a husband, a father, or a businessman. You have a duty to create success so that you can have the things you want, create the things you want, and start depending on the future and other people will start looking at you as a model of what success is.

When I talk about success I’m not talking just about money or a trophy. Just like you have to take the trash out, clean your desk up, or brush your teeth, you need to make success your duty, obligation, and responsibility.


Here are 3 ways to be successful:

1) Approach success as an ethical issue, not a financial one—Take the idea that success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility, and add that it is also an ethical issue, not a financial one. Consider it is a moral code.  Do not make a financially driven decision. I don’t think about money and success separately. I think about success, and that all success will naturally involve having money. I’m taking care of my family, growing my business, and making myself known—it’s my ethical obligation.

It’s not ethical to be unsuccessful. It is not ethical to not have money. It’s not ethical to not get your product or service into the marketplace. Tie your success to some moral sense. You know what you are capable of and you know what your product or service is—so tie it together and make success your duty. Be ethically driven and you will be more motivated.

ways to be successful