Levels of Effort

levels of effort

Levels of Effort

FROM THE DESK OF GRANT CARDONE:  Too many people underestimate the levels of effort it takes to succeed big, and the only solution to the effort is 10X levels of actions.

10X is necessary for success.  Period.

For every project in which I have ever been involved, I underestimated the time, energy, money, and effort necessary.  I underestimated what it was going to take to bring my project to the point of success. Any client I targeted.  Any new sector of business into which I ventured has always taken 10 times more.  More mail, calls, e-mails, and contacts than I had originally predicted.

There Will Be Something You Don’t Anticipate

Regardless of how superior your product, service, or proposition is, I assure you that there will be something you don’t anticipate or correctly plan. Economic changes, legal matters, competition, resistance to converting, too new of a product, banks freezing up, market uncertainty, technology changes, people problems . . . more people problems, elections, war, strikes—these are just a few of the potential “unexpected events.”

I don’t say this to scare you but instead to prepare you for where the biggest opportunities exist. 10X thinking and actions are vital; they are the only things that will get you through these events.

What happens when you have underestimated the time, energy, and effort necessary to do something?  You will have “quit” in your mind, voice, posture, face, and presentation. When you correctly estimate the effort necessary, you will assume the appropriate posture.

Any target attacked with the right actions in the right amounts with persistence is attainable!

levels of effort

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