How Can I Get A Raise?

How Can I Get A Raise?

How Can I Get A Raise?

FROM THE DESK OF GRANT CARDONE:  Have you ever asked the question, “How can I get a raise?” If so, you’ve come to the right place.  I want to show you how you can increase your value at the workplace.

Too many people are not involved in their work, not very enthusiastic about it, and are just committed enough to it so they don’t get fired.  If you are disengaged at work you will suffer from lower self-esteem, energy, and life satisfaction. Maybe you aren’t disengaged, but that doesn’t mean the boss wants to give you that promotion.


#1 ENTITLED:  This is the person who expects handouts.  “I’ve worked here for a year, give me a raise” and “Why do we not get free lunches here like they have at Google?”

#2 GOSSIPY:  This is the person who loves to talk about everyone else—whenever those people aren’t around.  “Hey did you hear what Mark said to Dave?” and “I heard Josh wants a new position.

#3 COMPLAINER:  This is the person who just can’t be pleased.  “These new desks suck” and “I can’t believe Paul got the promotion over me.”

#4 KNOW-IT-ALL:  This is the person who thinks he has all the answers and won’t listen to others.  “Yeah, I know all about your system and it won’t work” and “Trust me, I know better than you when it comes to this.”

#5 INDEPENDENT WITHOUT CONCERN FOR THE GROUP:  This is the person who can’t work in a team and has to have everything his or her own way.  “Can’t I just do this myself?” and “I’ll just take care of it, you guys don’t bother”.

You can’t just wish for a raise or more money.

#6 EXCUSE MAKER:  This is the person who never takes responsibility.  “Sorry I’m late, traffic was bad this morning” and “I didn’t get to that report because I had to do this other thing you wanted”.

#7 NO ENTHUSIASM:  This is the person who has no energy and brings a depressing atmosphere to the room.  “If you want to do it, whatever” and “great” as he rolls his eyes.

#8 UNWILLINGNESS TO HELP OTHERS:  This is the person who won’t lift a finger if it won’t benefit him or herself.  “Sorry, I’m busy” and “Will I get paid for this?”

#9 LIAR:  This is the person who you can’t trust.  “Yeah I’ll do it” and “You got it, I’m your man”.

#10 NO INITIATIVE:  This is the person who won’t do anything without getting a push.  Every day he has to be told what to do.  It’s a grown-up child.

If you’re thinking “how can I get a raise” and you fall into any of these categories, forget about it!

Focus on promoting your value within your organization by avoiding all these traits.  Money follows attention.  You must have a whatever it takes attitude and do what others refuse to do.  Be positive. Think like the owner and bring ideas that meet the objective of the business.  Last, but not least, hustle.

Show that you are hungry but most of all, bring in revenue.

If you’d like specific tools to help you gain the skills you need to bring value to your company, check out Cardone University where I have over 1500 videos-on-demand that will give you the knowledge you need to become a star producer.

For more on how to get that raise, including the exact script to use with the right things to say to the boss that will make it really easy for them to say yes…