ChiroSushi 7 days of Personal Development
Self-improvement and personal development motivation series developed for ChiroSushi
David Bradley is a Sales & Marketing Manager with Cardone Training Technologies. For more information on creating a culture of learning, development of proficiency, handling objections and real time situational training solutions, call 310-777-0352 or fire off an email to [email protected]
“I work with small companies and Fortune 500 companies to grow sales by finding overlooked opportunities and customizing the sales process to be more effective. I have worked with companies like Google, Sprint, Aflac, Toyota, GM, Ford and thousands more. I own and operate four companies that do almost 100m in annual sales and I’m also a New York Times best-selling author, international speaker, & considered the top sales training and social media expert in the world today.”
“No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” ― P.T. Barnum